Install ElasticSearch (ELK stack) on a vm

What I want (all the red on one VM) Tja…. the docker version didn’t workI got stuck at the fleet configuration So now, lets try to install everything on aVM, in this case, an Ubuntu server installation Okay, it is in a separate vlan, but I can SSH to the machine after setting some unifi … Read more

Install ElasticSearch on Unraid with docker

One company I freelance for, have installed ElasticSearch, and they ‘harvest’ Windows clients information. I want this at home as well. In this post I’ll blog about the installation steps taken. Installation on unraid environment The ElasticSearch documentation has a section for docker. its docker commands, and I want some docker compose file. ChatGPT … Read more

WebDAV share (stack from TransIP) as a share in unraid

I have an unraid server and an active subscription at TransIP stack. Stack offers a WebDAV drive to backup your stuff.This post shows the steps to complete this task. 2. Overview of the active users 3. Create an access token as I dont want to supply my password later on 4. Setup docker container efrecon/webdav-client … Read more

No scrollbars for an iframe height with dynamic content

I do hate this, scrollbars and borders around my webpage.As I have a webpage that is adding every post at the bottom, the height is dynamic, i.e. is not every time an x amount of pixels. In order to remove some things, I turned myself into google. There are doznes of solutions, some work, some … Read more

Optimizing entity framework linq queries

Nested linq expression My clientModel has a list of MotionDetections that contains a date. I want to get a list from the database where the min and max of this date are used. The first code looks like this: [code lang=”csharp”] // Get the existing values from this device between the clientModel dates var motionDetections … Read more

Count timelapse photo’s on my Synology

I’ve got a cronjob running to sync the images from my Raspberry Pi Timelapse project. The cronjob does nothing more than calling rsync. [code lang=”bash”]#!/bin/sh if [ "$(pidof rsync)" ] then echo "process already running" else rsync –remove-source-files -chavzP –stats pi@ /volume1/projects/VWP\ Timelapse/timelapse\ construction fi[/code] Now I want to export information regarding the amount of … Read more

From F, due to CVE-2016-2107, on SSL Report to A

On my VPS, running Debian with DirectAdmin, I noticed I got an F on the SSL Server Test After applying the steps from it changed back to a nice A. It took me around 15 minutes in total to find the steps to complete and execute them: Note to self: check your server’s configuration … Read more

Disable LinkedIn auto-playing videos

I didn’t find how to disable the autoplay of video’s on LinkedIn on the first page on Google. As I’m so annoyed by this and I can’t remember seeing a good video, I just spend 2 minutes to disable it via the Firefox plugin Stylish. Disaster avoided