Create and publish a phone app with Xamarin and Prism Forms

What is is? Steps: Create Xamarin.Forms app from Prism template Modify the template to show a browser and load my webpage Build app Publish app 1. Create Xamarin.Forms app from Prism template 2. Modify the template Modify the template– Change splash screen image– Load only a webpage– Block all external webpage calls and navigation– Navigate … Read more

Install Android 6.0 on a Samsung Galaxy S3

What is it? A small tutorial how to get Cyanogenmod 13 (Android 6.0) on a Samsung Galaxy S3. The steps taken were described at Steps to perform Boot the phone normally and upload the package to the internal storage. I used from Download and extract Meimdall Suite from In the … Read more

Wall-mobile (In progress)

What is it? With a couple of dozen sensors and actors around my apartment, I found the need to create an app that runs on a mobile hanging in my entrance. I found a nice place, between two doors, to place a mobile (I did some tests with the Touch Display Scene Controller project from … Read more