Wall-mobile (In progress)

What is it? questionmark

With a couple of dozen sensors and actors around my apartment, I found the need to create an app that runs on a mobile hanging in my entrance.
I found a nice place, between two doors, to place a mobile (I did some tests with the Touch Display Scene Controller project from MySensors, but it in the end a simple mobile would have more computing power, WiFi, battery backup, storage, etc. etc.).
The mobile was only picked as it had the lowest price and the exact width to fit between the doors, for the rest I only wanted Android on the mobile, this Archos came out on top.

The first app was build in Android Studio,

Android Cordova code questionmark


End result questionmark

The Cordova app running
The Cordova app running
A screw through the backcover to hold it into place
A screw through the backcover to hold it into place

3d print questionmark

This project is still waiting for a 3d print, my idea is to create a print that goes over the mobile creating a nice cover.

TODO questionmark

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Project costs in € or $ questionmark

Object Price
Archos 40 Titanium € 56
Other materials € 5
Total € 61

What could be better questionmark

  1. 1

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