Structured logging with C# and Seq (Datalust)

What is it? Structured logging is the practice of implementing a consistent, predetermined message format for application logs that allows them to be treated as data sets rather than text. ( I wanted to have a good, like really good, but free, system to move my logs to. Over the years, I have used PM2, … Read more

Create and publish a phone app with Xamarin and Prism Forms

What is is? Steps: Create Xamarin.Forms app from Prism template Modify the template to show a browser and load my webpage Build app Publish app 1. Create Xamarin.Forms app from Prism template 2. Modify the template Modify the template– Change splash screen image– Load only a webpage– Block all external webpage calls and navigation– Navigate … Read more

Use MediatR with FluentValidation in the ASP.Net Core pipeline

What is it? For a while I am using MediatR to handle messages in my ASP.Net Core applications. (New to the Mediator design pattern, has an exelent article about it)These messages (i.e. of type IRequest) need to be validated before the Handler processes them.In order to have this done, Fluent Validation is used and … Read more

Resizing photos on a multicore environment

What is it? A while ago I created a simple application to reduce the size of images as I wanted more and more of them stored on my mobile phone Using this application again, I wanted it to be running in dotnet core, but the System.Drawing library is not yet available on the dotnet core … Read more