Secure tunnels to with ngrok

What is it? questionmark

The guys from have done some great work. Their slogan:

I want to expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.

Don’t constantly redeploy your in-progress work to get feedback from clients. ngrok creates a secure public URL ( to a local webserver on your machine.

So I wanted to test this for a while, and now that I did, wow it is incredible what they have created.

The demo

I wanted to show my colleague some progress I have made on a web application.
Of course, even my local development environment uses https, so I ran the following command:

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But to bad, I need a Pro or Business account to support TLS

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Luckaly my application also supports oldish http traffic over port 5005.
Just run the following command:

ngrok http 5005 -region=eu

2016-07-22 16_10_17
ngrok running

Some web applications give an error if an other host header is present. This can be solved with the following command
ngrok http [port] -host-header="localhost:[port]"

After I went to my assigned webpage, I got the login screen, being served from my ASP.NET Core application running on my laptop in debug mode.

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Certificate information

All requests are now served via this tunnel, and my colleague could visit my web application, and still login with an on-premises test ActiveDirectory account to make sure we had some wow effect there.

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All requests

Introspect all of the HTTP traffic

The ngrok application creates a simple webpage that uses websockets to push information about the traffic to it.
On this webpage you can see some configuration values and metrics.

FireShot Capture 13 - ngrok - Status - http___localhost_4040_status

And on the inspect page you can see all get and post information and even resend it with the replay button

FireShot Capture 14 - ngrok - Inspect - http___localhost_4040_inspect_http
Inspect page






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