WebDAV share (stack from TransIP) as a share in unraid

I have an unraid server and an active subscription at TransIP stack. Stack offers a WebDAV drive to backup your stuff.
This post shows the steps to complete this task.

  1. Create a new user

2. Overview of the active users

3. Create an access token as I dont want to supply my password later on

4. Setup docker container efrecon/webdav-client to offload the WebDAV mounting to a share

5. The result, the contents are shown in the share (mount)

The issue of mounting as root

As the mount works, I noticed that I could not use Windows explorer to open/browse the mount. As the mount is created as root (due to docker), I have no user access to it. Luckaly I was not the only one, as an issue on github already mentioned this root behaviour. https://github.com/efrecon/docker-webdav-client/issues/16

Here is how I solved it, set the OWNER variable

    container_name: stack
    image: efrecon/webdav-client
      - WEBDRIVE_URL=https://123.abc.com/remote.php/webdav
      - OWNER=1000
      - /dev/fuse
      - SYS_ADMIN
      - "apparmor=unconfined"
      - /mnt/user/transip-stack:/mnt/webdrive:rshared
    restart: always

It results in the owner of your unraid system begin used on the share

The owner 1000 is my local user ‘timdows’, and it exists on my unraid environment (see /etc/passwd)

My share settings in Unraid