On beneluxlaan.com I used to have a nice website, but is down for quite some while.
Now that I have an extra server at home, lets host the website there, repair it, and use cloudflare to tunnel the traffic to the site itself.
In order to setup cloudflare, I added the beneluxlaan.com domain:
In order to start fresh, I deleted all the DNS records. Later one CNAME will be added by creating a pulic hostname in Zero Trust configuration
Next, an update of my beneluxlaan.com nameservers is required
And now, we wait…
In the mean while, we can download (from my old server) the backup of beneluxlaan.com and transfer it to the new ubuntu machine
30 minutes later
Add it in zero trust
Then the site resolved…. an error
Manually update the site:
- Deleting wp-admin and wp-includes directory
- Upload the new files via scp
This is getting innoing. Now it redirects (301) to the www subdomain
Lets modify some database settings
After chaning the sitename from http://www.beneluxlaan.com to https://beneluxlaan.com, the admin page worked
Okay, but it still doesnt work. The debug.log states
Making some quick changes to the header.php file, it now displays a webpage… but…. it looks crap
But that is a fix for later….